Why You May Need A Child Support Attorney

Child support is the defined as the monthly payments made by the non-custodial parent to help cover the financial care of their child or children. Those payments go to the custodial parent, caregiver, or guardian. In family law, child support is usually arranged during a dissolution of marriage, divorce, or after the determination of paternity and each party will need an attorney to protect their interest.

Typically, there are no gender requirements when it comes to paying child support. For example, a child’s father may pay the mother or mother can pay the father. Where there is joint custody, the child is considered to have two custodial parents instead of only one, and then one of the custodial parents will still be deemed responsible for paying monthly child support.

This periodic payment is meant to help cover the day-to-day caring of the child/children such as doctor’s appointments, food, and school supplies.

Child support cases are extremely complicated, and you can never make it on your own. However, when you have the best lawyers like Land Legal Group, in Los Angeles representing you, you will have less to worry about. They will keep you informed on all the processes you need to go through and prepare for you the necessary documents to back your claim. They will ensure you get to pay what is worth and according to what you earn.

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Land Legal Group

1900 Avenue of the Stars #1800
Los Angeles, CA, 98052

Phone: 310-906-4878

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